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Flush Out 57 lbs Of Nagging Belly
Eating This Japanese Appetizer

Research from Stanford, UCLA and Johns Hopkins prove it!

Dear Friend,

Why can some people eat pizza, cake and fries and wake up skinnier…

While others like me, and maybe even you…

Scarf down salad, starve ourselves and exercise with colorful resistance bands…

Only to wake up 5lbs heavier…

What makes the difference?

Well research out of Harvard proves losing weight has nothing to do with the type of diet you eat, instead it has to do with a little known enzyme.


According to groundbreaking new research, you have a specific enzyme called Amylase, which is the real hidden master switch behind your stubborn weight

When you eat carbs - let’s say a piece of toast -

Amylase breaks down those carbs into easy to absorb chunks.

And the more Amylase your body produces, the more you can break down these carbs.

Normally that’s a good thing…

Because in order for the carbs and nutrients to be absorbed by your cells, they actually need to be broken down.

The problem occurs when your body produces TOO MUCH of the amylase enzyme…

Because everything you eat starts to get broken down…

And when this happens, research shows your body goes into “fat storage mode”...

So if you’ve been wondering why it seems like everything you eat, especially all your favorite foods…

Seems to stick to your waistline like glue…

It’s because you have high Amylase levels that are storing all your favorite foods, like pizza, pasta, and cookies, as belly fat.


If you answer yes to any of the questions below (like I did), then chances are your amylase levels are too high…

Are you over 30? (Research published in the national institute of medicine shows that your body produces more amylase as you age.)

Do you frequently snack or feel the need to snack?

Is it hard for you to say no to dessert and pastries?

Does it feel like you gain weight whenever you eat carbs?

Do you find it difficult to stick with a diet?

If you do lose weight on a diet, do you find yourself rebounding soon after?


High Amylase makes it impossible to lose weight, no matter how healthy you eat… or how much you exercise.

So if you want to reclaim that tight, firm body of your youth…

The one that radiates beauty and turns heads as you walk in a room…

The one that allows you to eat anything you want, and not feel guilty about it…


You need to get to the root of the issue:

Reducing your Amylase levels to a normal healthy amount.

A sweet spot, where you’re still healthy and doing your body good, but not gaining weight like a bear in winter.

I sat back stunned…

I remember reading about amylase in nursing school, but never like this.

I discovered a simple Japanese appetizer that lowers your Amylase levels back to normal

The most popular food among the Japanese is called “The Green Heart Of Okinawa…”

They eat it at every meal as an appetizer…

Either raw, as a tea, in soup…

And research shows that it’s credited with keeping the Japanese healthy and fit into their 80's, 90's even past 100 years old

Without diet or exercise.


Research shows this exotic food contained special nutrients that lowers your amylase levels back to normal

In one study from Practice For General Medicine, folks who were given one of these amylase blockers lost up to 89% more weight than the placebo group…

And 73% of those subjects were able to maintain their weight loss without having to make any dietary restrictions…

Amazing right?

Another study from UCLA School of Medicine, 27 subjects were split into two groups -

One group was given a placebo and the other was given an amylase blocker

And after only 8 weeks the subjects given the amylase blocker lost 127% more weight than the placebo group.

And what’s even more shocking is...


Studies show that participants who ate the MOST carbs, saw the MOST weight loss and the greatest reduction in waist size!

There are dozens of studies showing a direct connection between these amylase blockers and shrinking waistlines.

The real secret to sustainable weight loss, without going on some weird restrictive diet is to return your amylase to normal levels.

It’s that simple.


“You don’t need the Japanese food, you only need what’s inside it, the amylase blocking nutrients”

spent the past year looking far and wide for other foods that contained the best amylase blocking nutrients…

And consulted with the world’s leading biology experts from around the world.

To find a special combination of four of the most powerful amylase blocking nutrients

In the exact doses used in the clinical studies with the most weight loss results.


Amyl Guard


Amyl Guard is the world’s first and only weight loss solution that targets the real root cause of stubborn belly fat- your high amylase levels - and helps bring them back into balance.

So, if you want to remove nagging hip, arm, and thigh fat…

To shrink your belly to reveal the tight, toned figure you haven’t seen since your 20s…

And finally feel confident and happy in your body…

All while eating your favorite delicious, carb-filled meals you grew up with...

The Amyl-Guard is the solution for you.

No matter your age, weight, or how many times you’ve failed in the past.

Simply take one capsule of Amyl Guard before every meal, like an appetizer, and let it work it’s magic.

It won’t take long before…

You’re slipping into your old clothes… the ones you wore in your 20s…

You’re getting compliments about how amazing you look…

Men go out of their way to do things for you, buy you coffee, hold open doors… Just like they used too

And your husband or partner can't keep his eyes or hands off of you… and every time he hugs you, you shrink into his arms

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

Women all over the world are finally get rid of their nagging belly fat without dieting, exercise, or expensive and dangerous surgeries.

And now you can too!


The magic comes from 4 of the most powerful amylase blockers on the planet to help return your amylase levels back to normal…


The first amylase guard comes from Japanese heritage…

And has been praised by television doctor, Dr. Oz for it’s miraculous weight loss benefits.

It’s called white kidney bean.

It caught my eye when I saw a review published in the British Journal of Nutrition…

Which showed folks taking white kidney beans lost nearly 22 lbs more than the group who didn’t take it!
But that was just the beginning…

Because another study involving 38 women over 12 weeks shocked the world.

Now this wasn’t a run off the mill study…

This was a randomized double blind and placebo controlled study - the most accurate kind…

There were two groups… one that took white kidney bean extract and the other that didn’t

And after 12 weeks…

The researchers found that the group who ate this 5 second japanese appetizer lost over 700% more weight than the placebo group…

But that’s not the best part…

According to a review of the study done by Nourished Academy:

“These results represent a healthy weight loss programme simply by restricting calories absorbed by starch (carbs).”

Just like amylase does when it’s back down to normal levels.


The next super nutrient comes from a rare Japanese vegetable

It's called bitter melon extract


And according to researchers “the best amylase regulator in existence.”

In fact, one study published in the journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found bitter melon was able to inhibit amylase enzymes up to 69%

And Another study published in Nutrition Journal found women who supplemented with bitter melon extract reduced their waistlines significantly compared to the placebo group.

Which means that once you add this Amylase Guard to your diet… in the exact scientific amounts…

You’ll find it easier and faster to drop the unwanted weight, without giving up your favorite foods.

So you can finally turn back the clock and rock your hot clothes of your 20s.

Next we included another incredible fat-erasing nutrient called chromium picolinate proven to help improve fat loss by 553% when combined with other amylase blockers…


And in another study from the University of Vermont…

Folks who supplemented with chromium picolinate had significant weight loss and reduction in belly fat compared to the placebo group.

Amazing isn’t it?

The last fat melting amylase blocker we included is called berberine…


It’s been used for thousands of years in traditional chinese medicine and modern science finally confirms how powerful it is.

In fact, researchers from Healthline sate:

“It is one of the few supplements shown to be as effective as a pharmaceutical drug.”

In one Korean Study, researchers found that berberine supplementation stopped the growth of new fat cells.

And yet another more impressive study involving 37 people showed that…

Berberine helped participants lose 15% of their body mass index (BMI) …

That’s the equivalent of losing 4 to 6 dress sizes!


Today, and on this page only…

You can get a bottle of Amyl Guard for as little as 93c cents a day…

I want to help everyone take back control of their body and lose weight effortlessly.

That’s why if you act right now, and make the life changing decision to join the 134,567 women who are dropping their weight and dress sizes in mere days…

You can take an entire 60% off…

And claim your very own supply of Amyl Guard
For just $59 per bottle.

But that’s just the start…

Because thanks to our manufacturer Nutraville…

Who’s helped us secure everything at an even lower cost and cut out the middle man…

You can secure a bottle of Amyl-Guard for just $29…

And every order of 6 bottles includes FREE expedited shipping with TWO FREE BONUSES


Bonus #1 (Valued at $67) - Skinny Carb Cookbook

This delicious cookbook is filled with tons of skinny carb recipes and snacks that let you stuff your face and still lose weight…

  • Skinny grilled cheese sandwiches that set off firecrackers of flavor in your mouth while slimming down your thighs and arms…
  • Flaky, gooey skinny double chocolate brownies that help turn up your metabolism and ignite your fat burning furnace
  • Layered skinny Jell-O that satisfies even the most ravenous sweet tooth while blowtorching your belly fat rolls

Plus you’ll also learn about the 3 “living nutrient foods” that help keep carbs from ending up on your waistline…

Yes, that means more chocolate cake, spaghetti and fries without feeling guilty…

In fact you’ll be stuffing your face once you learn these simple living nutrient foods, because every “off limit” food will no longer be working against you…

But instead with your body, helping to slim down with every bite.

No counting calories or carbs.

Just simple “skinny carb” meals that slim you down, one bite at a time.

But if that wasn't enough, you’ll also get free access to bonus #2...

Bonus #2 (Valued at $47) - Skinny Solution Meditations

Bonus #2 contains four powerful meditations that help reprogram your subconscious to lose weight effortlessly…

You’ll also learn…

  • How to program your mind for effortless weight loss while feeling great in all aspects of life. Yes that means less stress from unresolved emotional blocks and uncontrollable cravings!
  • Break the unhealthy patterns you have built around food and your body. This will allow you to finally experience the real beauty beyond the mirror and society's unrealistic standards.
  • Rewire your brain to stop the urge to binge eat every time stress comes into your life, so that you can finally feel in control again.
  • Calm overthinking and monkey mind for better sleep and sexier, healthier you.

Yes you get all that absolutely free when you pick up the ultra savings 6 bottle bundle today!

If at any point in the next 6 months after using Amyl Guard you’re unhappy with your results…

I will refund you every cent. No questions asked...

Simply email or call us and I'll personally give you a full refund…

You don’t even have to send the bottle back!

I don’t know anyone else willing to make such a bold promise like that…

Because the truth is, if Amyl Guard doesn't work for you, I don’t want to keep your money anyway…

But I’m willing to risk everything, because I know the life changing transformation that will occur once you experience the weight loss powers or Amyl Guard…

Does that sound fair?

If so, then…


Click the 6 bottle package of Amyl Guard below for the biggest savings and free shipping!

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You’ve read this far…

So it’s clear you are serious about your health and your future and losing the excess flab infesting your waistline…

But the decision is ultimately yours…

If you don’t see the sold out button below, consider yourself lucky, because we still have some Amyl Guard left in stock…
But it could be gone in any moment..

Remember there are no hidden charges or subscriptions. Everything is just a one time payment.
And you’re protected by our LIFETIME money back guarantee…

So even if you try it out Amyl Guard for 6 months and don’t love the results of your new sexy body…

Simply let us know and I’ll personally refund you every single penny.

There’s absolutely no risk, which is why even if you’re mildly curious, you might as well try Amyl Guard today!

So if you’re ready to step into your new slim, sexy body, that has your partner all over you

And your friends are jealous of your hot new body…

Order the 6 bottle package below now, or whichever package suits you best.

Before supplies run out!

I look forward to hearing about your success,

Lauren Wilson & Nina Suzuki

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still here?

I know we covered a lot of new information today…

So for the next few moments I’m going to address the most common questions about Amyl Guard

To help make the decision to stock up and save on our limited supply very easy…


Who is Amyl Guard for?

Amyl Guard is for any person who wants to lose weight quickly and safely without strict dieting or extreme exercise.

It doesn’t matter age, shape, body type or how many things...

You’ve tried in the past that haven’t worked.

Amyl Guard is a safe and scientifically supported way…

Using the latest research…

To lose weight, reboot your metabolism, and put an end to rebound weight gain…

While enjoying more of your favorite foods.

The next question I get is…

How do I use Amyl Guard?

It’s really easy.

Just take one serving of Amyl Guard 15-minutes before moderate and high carb meals...

And the ingredients will help block carbs from storing in your cells which helps prevent weight gain.

For that reason I recommend you stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of Amyl Guard today.

This way you can keep a bottle at home, in your purse, your car, at your office desk and anywhere else you think...

You may have the opportunity to eat a moderate or high carb meal.

Alright next question…

Are there any harmful chemicals inside Amyl Guard?

Absolutely not. Amyl Guard is formulated with four powerful ingredients to block carbs from entering cells and causing fat gain.

These four ingredients are bitter melon extract, white kidney bean extract, chromium picolinate and berberine.

It’s a safe and natural formula.


How does Amyl Guard work?

I’ll recap this very quickly.

Amyl Guard helps to “shut off” an enzyme called amylase that breaks down carbs into fat-storing sugars.

By preventing this breakdown from happening…

Carbs “go in one end and out the other” so to speak

They don’t get absorbed into the body as body fat.

All you have to do is take one serving of Amyl Guard 15-minutes before moderate and high carb meals and it’ll prevent most of the carbs from breaking down into fat-storing sugars.

How often should I take Amyl Guard?

Take one serving of Amyl Guard 15-minutes before moderate and high carb meals.

The ingredients will go to work right away to help block carbs from entering cells and causing fat gain.

Again, for that reason I recommend you stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of Amyl Guard today.

This way you can keep a bottle at home, in your purse, your car, at your office desk and anywhere else you may have the opportunity to indulge on carbs.

Alright next question -

Is there a money back guarantee with my order of Amyl Guard?

Yes there is.

I’ll back your supply with a 365-Day 100% money back guarantee...

Which means I personally promise better weight management, easier weight loss and carb control with every supply of Amyl Guard...

And if for any reason that isn’t the experience…

Just email my friendly customer service team and we’ll promptly issue a full refund.

No questions asked. No hassles.

I’ve made this a 365-day guarantee so you can have a full year to try Amyl Guard out on us.

Just two more questions before we wrap up this presentation…

How long will it take to receive my order of Amyl Guard?

After completing your order…

We’ll ship your Amyl Guard so it arrives at your front door, usually within 3-5 business days.

And lastly…

How do I order my supply of Amyl Guard again?

It’s easy… Select how many bottles of Amyl Guard you’d like…

I recommend the 3 or 6 bottle option…

Then click the “Add to Cart” button.

After that, fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll rush ship your supply of Amyl Guard to your front door.

When your bottles arrive a few short days from now…

Take your first serving 15-minutes before your next moderate or high carb meal, and you’ll be amazed by how quickly the pounds and inches melt away…

And how you can eat your favorite foods without worrying about storing fat like before.

So go ahead and place your order now...

And experience that natural power of Amyl Guard starting today.

Thank you for reading and I wish you all the best.

Scientific References

Johns Hopkins
  • "Symptoms of Fatty Liver and Dietary Strategies For Getting Rid ...." 29 Jul. 2019, - link - Accessed 15 Dec. 2020.
  • "New data show non-alcoholic fatty liver disease will reach ...." 2 Apr. 2011, - link - Accessed 17 Dec. 2020.
  • "What to do about nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - Harvard ...." - link - Accessed 17 Dec. 2020.
  • "Age and sex-dependent changes in serum amylase ... - PubMed." - link - Accessed 18 Dec. 2020.
  • "What Are Carb Blockers and Do They Work? - Healthline." 31 May. 2016, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Determination of alpha-amylase inhibitor activity of ... - PubMed." 9 Jun. 2008, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Optimization of enzymatic production of anti ... - PubMed." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Impairment of starch absorption by a potent ... - PubMed." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Blocking carbohydrate absorption and weight loss ... - PubMed." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Blocking carbohydrate absorption and weight loss: a clinical ...." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Weight reduction and maintenance with IQP-PV ... - PubMed." 5 Sep. 2013, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Phaseolus vulgaris extract affects glycometabolic ... - PubMed." 28 May. 2013, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "The Okinawa Diet: Eating and Living to 100 - Blue Zones." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Healthy aging diets other than the Mediterranean ... - NCBI - NIH." 21 Jan. 2014, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Goya 'Bitter Melon' — The Green Heart of Okinawa - Medium." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "In vitro and in vivo α-amylase and α-glucosidase ... - PubMed." 18 Jul. 2016, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Investigation of Biological Activities of Wild Bitter ... - PubMed." 30 May. 2019, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Wild bitter gourd improves metabolic syndrome: A preliminary ...." 13 Jan. 2012, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Drop in both insulin and leptin needed for fat ... - Diabetes UK." 9 Jan. 2018, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "NIH study shows how insulin stimulates fat cells to take in ...." 7 Sep. 2010, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Insulin and weight gain: Keep the pounds off - Mayo Clinic." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Metabolic ...." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Momordica charantia Administration Improves Insulin ...." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Momordica charantia (bitter melon) inhibits primary human ...." 29 Jun. 2010, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Metabolic ...." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "The efficacy of Phaseolus vulgaris as a weight-loss supplement." 18 May. 2011, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Reduction in body weight with a starch blocking diet aid." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "A Dietary supplement containing standardized ... - PubMed." 24 Jan. 2007, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Chromium picolinate supplementation attenuates ... - PubMed." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Efficacy of Berberine in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Berberine: A Powerful Supplement With Many Benefits." 14 Jan. 2017, - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "[Effect of berberine on the differentiation of adipocyte] - PubMed." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.
  • "Berberine reduces the expression of adipogenic ... - PubMed." - link - Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.

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