Breaking news:
An ancient 5-second Japanese Appetizer that researchers from UCLA, Stanford and John Hopkins have found activate a primal enzyme to immediately put your body in weight loss overdrive…
Melting pounds of fat per week.
Without changing your diet…
Without exercising…
And without drinking detox teas or fasting.

Plus it naturally unites your metabolism to become so much faster and more efficient that all of your favorite foods just get burned up, like jet fuel.
Everything from bread, pizza and pasta to burgers and ice cream.
Yes, you may be feeling skeptical and you should be…
Yet as unbelievable as it sounds, this is all possible with an oddly simple and perfectly safe 5s Japanese appetizer you can eat at home right now.

In this short letter, you'll be shocked to discover what whistleblowing doctors and scientists from top universities have proven to be the hidden root cause of your slow metabolism and your excess belly fat…
In this short letter, you'll be shocked to discover what whistleblowing doctors and scientists from top universities have proven to be the hidden root cause of your slow metabolism and your excess belly fat…
Which has nothing to do with your diet hormones, your gut, or anything else they have made you believe.
Instead, it's all down to this primal fat burning enzyme
Because it’s specifically responsible for breaking down the carbs you eat, and turning them into fat.
When you’re young, you have low levels of this enzyme…
So you can eat whatever you want and still be hot.

But Japanese researchers just published a landmark study that proves that with age, your levels of this enzyme goes up…
Which makes you gain all this weight.
Meaning at this moment, it's impossible to keep that off your body with any kind of diet or exercise, but fear not.
The solution is so simple and easy, it may anger you.
This 5s Japanese appetizer has been handed down from generation to generation by the residents of an exotic Japanese city, where some of the leanest and healthiest people on earth live.
That’s because it targets and dissolves inches of your body's deepest, most stubborn fat stores that always felt immune to dieting and exercise…
And not just from one place like your thighs, but every corner of your entire body as you get slimmer, firmer, and smoother…
At the same time, supporting a new, healthier heart, brain, blood sugar and blood pressure
And saving the health and lives of my wife myself and over 136,000 mothers, fathers and grandparents from 10 to a hundred pounds overweight who've tried paleo, zumba, and every other diet or exercise program…

My high school best friend, Tiana J. 56, dropped 34 lbs of fat…

My maid of honor, Jaime L., dropped nearly 8 dress sizes…

And my sister, Nancy W., who struggled with weight problems after having her third child. Used this simple solution to drop all the extra 73 lbs she was carrying form her three pregnancies

Hi, I’m Lauren Wilson
and I see messages like these flooding in every day from folks that are in pure joy after just weeks of putting this 5s Japanese appetizer to test for themselves and just as it worked for them.
How will you look and feel when it works for you?
Imagine never worrying again about how your weight is destroying your health…
Or how you look in a swimsuit, a tight dress or even naked…
Or the silent judgment of skinny girls when you order what you actually want at a restaurant.
Instead, you'll enjoy all of your favorite foods and carbs whenever you want, totally guilt free.
You'll be at your perfect weight and you'll look and feel amazing in whatever clothes you're wearing, including those sexy outfits you never dreamed of slipping into before.
Within a few weeks, you’ll start to look younger as the glow and elasticity of youth returns to your skin and body…
And here's the best part of all
Because this 5s Japanese appetizer targets the biological root cause of your belly fat.
Once the fat's gone, it's gone forever.
So no more losing and gaining the same 10 pounds over and over…
Or how slim you'll be in one month or one year from now.

But that’s just the beginning…
This 5s Japanese appetizer also eliminates dangerous inflammation making you look and feel 5, 10, even 20 years younger.
What's more, it naturally floods your body with pure all day energy.
It naturally strengthens your immune system. Fights off disease and brain fog
Improves sleep, and memory..
And it gives you back the sex drive and and zest for life you had in your 20s!
Plus it supports a much healthier heart…
Cholesterol levels…
Blood pressure
And gives you complete control of your health, your weight, your appearance, and your quality of life.

Now, I know how unbelievable all this may sound to you right now, but just keep reading because it doesn't matter if you're 25 or 75,
Now, I know how unbelievable all this may sound to you right now, but just keep reading because it doesn't matter if you're 25 or 75,
if you have 10 pounds or a hundred pounds to lose if you've suffered from excess weight or a slow metabolism your whole life,
or if your body has just gradually betrayed you as the years have passed by.
I can absolutely guarantee you that this works for you…
And I can absolutely guarantee this 5s japanese appetizer is so much healthier, so much simpler, so much easier,
and so much more effective than anything you've ever seen or heard of before.

All that I ask is that you give me a few moments to prove it to you.
I'll be sharing all of the peer reviewed studies from top universities along with the breathtaking real world results that back up everything I'm saying about how and why this works so well.

Hi, My Name Is Lauren Wilson,
I live in a small town near Charlotte, North Carolina, together with my husband and my daughter Jessica.
I’m not a doctor, nutritionist, or personal trainer.
In fact, I’m an average hard working American mom and a proud nurse practitioner.
It’s a job where every detail matters…
And where I see the devastating effects of being overweight in real time…
But not just for overweight men or women…
But for their family.
So you can imagine my surprise when despite following all the information I was taught in nursing school…
And everything we tell our patients to do…
I kept gaining weight, and couldn’t lose it no matter what I tried!
But it wasn’t just affecting me…
It was slowly killing my daughter.
Like most moms, my pregnancy weight stuck around… 10lbs turned into 30lbs… until one morning I woke up and realized I was wrapped in 57lbs of saggy, belly fat.
The same 57 lbs that led to me being stared at any time I put on a bathing suit...
But that wasn't the worst part.
The worst part was the person I was becoming…
I went from being social, fun, and outgoing…
To introverted, depressed and miserable…
And I was angry… all the time… you know?

Everytime I looked in the mirror naked, I would shriek in horror…
Watching as my fat clung to me like melted ice cream…

I knew it was getting bad, when I started to have trouble at work walking to different rooms when examining patients…
And when I raced over just a few doors down… I was completely out of breath.
I knew something had to change, so I went to see one of the doctors at the hospital I trusted…
I wasn’t surprised when he said…
“Lauren, you need to lose this weight now. Your blood pressure is dangerously high and you're at serious risk of a heart attack.”
He recommended going on the keto diet and doing some exercise…
Which only made things worse…

Because after a few weeks of successful weight loss, I would pack it all back on, twice as fast.
Which is maybe something that you can relate to…
You work so hard to lose a few pounds, skipping dessert and doing endless hours of exercise…
Only to end up 10lbs heavier after all your hard work…
Or maybe you starve yourself and don’t eat for a few days at a time…
Only to binge eat and start the vicious weight gaining cycle all over again…
I did all those…
But even though this evil weight rollercoaster almost caused me to give up…
It was also the key to discovering the 5 second Japanese appetizer that would wipe at 57lbs of my belly fat.
Things continued to spiral out of control everytime I rebounded with my weight…
My husband stopped caring for me… our sex life dissapeared, putting our marriage on life support…
And my 13 year old daughter, she stopped eating her food.
She’d come home with half eaten lunches…
Push dinner away…
And throw a full tantrum whenever we were going out to dinner.

I hadn’t noticed how much weight she lost until she came home from her daily run…
She had been running a lot lately, almost every day in fact…
My heart dropped when she walked in the front door…
She looked sickly thin…
And pale…
I asked her if everything was alright…

Only to give me the classic two word teenage answers…
“I’m fine”
But as I looked closer, I could see her struggling, even to walk…
“Honey, maybe you should eat something, how about I whip you up a sandwich?
And what she said next broke my heart…
“A sandwich? No one here needs more carbs mom. I don’t want to end up looking like you!”
I was so stunned I couldn’t even speak.

And then my world turned upside down… Because my daughter, looking like a ghost, collapsed… hitting her head against our kitchen table…
Blood started gushing everywhere… pooling around her head…
I rushed over to help her…
Scrambling between deep breaths and tears…
Did my fat belly cause this?
I called 9-1-1 and prayed to God for a miracle…
I couldn’t lose my baby girl…
Next thing I knew we were in the hospital, with my daughter on life support…
When the doctor came to give me an update…

“Lauren you’re lucky you got here in time… Another hour and Jessica might've been gone. She’s dangerously malnourished…”
My whole world shattered right there…
Not only was this disgusting belly fat destroying my marriage and my life..
But it put my daughter in the hospital and almost killed her!
Enough was enough.

I was going to do everything I can to figure out the weight loss puzzle or die trying!
If not for me, for my daughter's sake.
I spent the next few months researching online, visiting libraries, and consulting with medical experts, but uncovered nothing new…
Just the same old advice of eat less and exercise more…
And every expert seemed to contradict themselves…
One would swear by keto, others would say it causes heart disease...
Others would say it’s just about exercise…
And some would promote special fat burning pills like garcinia cambogia… or raspberry ketones...
Only to say these things didn’t work 6 months later…
It was all very confusing…
Which was no help to people like me or the countless others who were struggling.
I felt like I'd hit a brick wall.
And after hundreds of hours of research, I was no further forward.
I didn't know where to turn....
Sadly, I was close to giving up.
But that night, I looked over at my daughter's half eaten plate of food…
And remembered that night in the hospital when I almost lost her…
That filled me with new energy and drive.
I prayed to God that night, like I did every night…
Begging for an answer…

And what happened next is nothing short of a miracle…
Which is how I knew he heard my prayers…
The next morning I was working at the hospital…
It was a typical busy morning…
And I was strapped for time so I went to the cafeteria to grab breakfast.

I was about to order my usual Keto-friendly lettuce egg wraps
When behind me, a slender Japanese woman in a lab coat orders two chocolate chip muffins…
I thought she was the typical thin, fast metabolism type of woman…
I’m sure you know the type…
But I couldn’t have been more wrong!
The truth was she had a weight loss secret that would change the course of my entire life…
And help me get to the real root cause of my weight gain and erase all 57lbs of my stubborn fat.
The next day I came back for breakfast and ordered the same lettuce wrapped egg sandwich…
Only to see her again…
But this time she got 2 butter croissants with Jam!

Before she took her first bite, she swallowed, what looked like a little white vitamin…
This went on for a few weeks…
She would stuff her face with the most delicious carbs ever…
Chocolate dipped donuts, flaky butter croissants, wild blueberry muffins, you name it!
And before every delicious, sugary bite…
She would have her appetizer…
A little white vitamin.
Weeks went buy, and I could’ve sworn that she lost weight!
I was floored.
I had to know her secret.
Did she run all the time? Was she lucky and born with a fast metabolism?
And what was that white vitamin she was taking everyday before her she ate?
I’m not sure what came over me, but one morning I was super stressed…
So when she proceeded to order the new cinnamon swirl blueberry muffin for breakfast…
I snapped, and asked her, quite loudly…
“What’s your secret? I see you here everyday, eating the most delicious fattening food, and yet you’re slim and healthy? It’s so unfair!!”
She looked at me stunned, and then told me to come sit down with her.
At the table she took her white vitamin, then unwrapped her warm cinnamon swirl blueberry muffin and took a massive, sugary filled bite…
Then what she said next, absolutely blew me away…
So pay very close attention… because it’s going to change your life.
She told me…
Her name was Nina Suzuki and she was an obesity biochemist at the hospital…
Who specifically studied human metabolism and why carbs make us fat…
She took another massive bite of her muffin, cinnamon sugar sticking to her chin…
And pulled out a photo of a rather large woman…

“This used to be me” she said

I was shocked. This woman must have been close to 300lbs…
And the woman sitting in front of me was maybe 120 lbs soaking wet.
“What changed” I asked?
She went on to explain a lot of the human metabolism in very sciency terms…

But thankfully as a nurse I was used to translating science speak between doctors and patients…
Nina first became interested in the real root cause of weight loss after her now ex-boyfriend cheated on her with another skinner woman…
It was heartbreaking, and a story I hear too often…
Honestly, I was a bit worried my own husband was straying… He barely paid me any attention anymore…
After the breakup, Nina made it her mission to uncover the obesity code…
During her 2nd year as a biochemist…
She saw an interesting randomized clinical trial from Harvard researchers.
In the study, scientists took 811 participants and broke them up into four groups.
Each with a different diet.
Some ate a lot of carbs, other’s ate zero carbs.
After two years, no matter what diet they ate, their weight was the SAME!
And if you think about it, it makes sense.
We all know women who swear by the keto diet to lose weight… While others stuff their face with carbs to achieve the same result.
So what makes the difference?
Why can some people eat pizza, cake and fries and wake up skinnier…
While others like me, and maybe even you…

Scarf down salad, starve ourselves and exercise with colorful resistance bands…
Only to wake up 5lbs heavier…
And then Nina revealed the weight loss secret that would change everything…
In the human body you have a specific enzyme called Amylase, which is the real hidden master switch behind your stubborn weight
When you eat carbs - let’s say a piece of toast -
Amylase breaks down those carbs into easy to absorb chunks.
And the more Amylase your body produces, the more you can break down these carbs.
Normally that’s a good thing…
Because in order for the carbs and nutrients to be absorbed by your cells, they actually need to be broken down.

The problem occurs when your body produces TOO MUCH of the amylase enzyme…
Because everything you eat starts to get broken down…
And when this happens, research shows your body goes into “fat storage mode”...
So if you’ve been wondering why it seems like everything you eat, especially all your favorite foods…
Seems to stick to your waistline like glue…
It’s because you have high Amylase levels that are storing all your favorite foods, like pizza, pasta, and cookies, as belly fat.
Then Nina asked me a series of questions to confirm whether or not I have too high amylase levels:
Are you over 30? (Research published in the national institute of medicine shows that your body produces more amylase as you age.)
Do you frequently snack or feel the need to snack?
Is it hard for you to say no to dessert and pastries?
Does it feel like you gain weight whenever you eat carbs?
Do you find it difficult to stick with a diet?
If you do lose weight on a diet, do you find yourself rebounding soon after?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above (like I did), then chances are your amylase levels are too high…
Making it impossible to lose weight, no matter how healthy you eat… or how much you exercise.
Now that you know, you’ve really got 2 options…
Option 1: stop eating carbs…
That means no more birthday cake... no more pasta... no more pizza...
It means planning your day around where your next chicken salad or lettuce wrap is going to come from…
And then doing this for the rest of your life…
Because the moment you slip up, which happens to all of us…
Your body will be primed to turn all those carbs into saggy fat that drapes off your waistline.
Maybe you’ve already experienced this yourself?
Thankfully, there’s a second option.
It’s the smarter -- and frankly, easier -- route.

See the real difference between my skinny girlfriends and me…
Was not the food or carbs they were eating…
Or the exercise (that they WEREN’T doing)
But the reason they could gobble down whatever they wanted like…
Flaky croissants… ooey-goey chocolate cake… and piping peperoni pizza every single day…
And stay fit, skinny, and healthy…
Is because they had their Amylase in normal levels.
So if you want to reclaim that tight, firm body of your youth…
The one that radiates beauty and turns heads as you walk in a room…
The one that allows you to eat anything you want, and not feel guilty about it…
You need to get to the root of the issue: Reducing your Amylase levels to a normal healthy amount.
A sweet spot, where you’re still healthy and doing your body good, but not gaining weight like a bear in winter.
I sat back stunned…
I remember reading about amylase in nursing school, but never like this.

So I asked Nina… “How do you lower amylase levels?”
This has been Nina’s main focus for the past two years…
In fact, she was doing her entire PhD thesis on it.
It took many sleepless nights…
Years of trial and error…
And each time she hit a wall, she’d start over.
Eventually she had a breakthrough that would change the lives of thousands of women just like you and me!
And it came from one of the weirdest places
Nina discovered the answer to lowering your Amylase levels at her Grandma’s kitchen table, back in Okinawa, Japan.
See even though Nina’s family ate tons of rice, desserts and sweet treats…
They were all healthy and skinny.
But it wasn’t just them…
As Nina spend more time in Japan, she noticed the entire population was like that…
So Nina went digging through hundreds of scientific papers trying to figure out what made the Japanese so special…
And how they could stay so thin… despite eating so many sugary foods.
She stayed up late nights trying to crack the code…
After thousands of hours or research, she felt like she’d hit a dead-end.
At dinner that night, she was talking to her grandma…
Only to discover the answer had been right under her nose…

The most popular food among the Japanese is called “The Green Heart Of Okinawa…”
They eat it at every meal as an appetizer…
Either raw, as a tea, in soup…
And research shows that it’s credited with keeping the Japanese healthy and fit into their 80's, 90's even past 100 years old
Without diet or exercise…
As Nina looked closer at the research, she could finally see why…
Research shows this exotic food contained special nutrients that lowers your amylase levels back to normal
Research shows this exotic food contained special nutrients that lowers your amylase levels back to normal
In one study from Practice For General Medicine, folks who were given one of these amylase blockers lost up to 89% more weight than the placebo group…
And 73% of those subjects were able to maintain their weight loss without having to make any dietary restrictions…
Amazing right?
Another study from UCLA School of Medicine, 27 subjects were split into two groups -
One group was given a placebo and the other was given an amylase blocker
And after only 8 weeks the subjects given the amylase blocker lost 127% more weight than the placebo group.
And what’s even more shocking is...

The people who ate the MOST carbs, saw the MOST weight loss and the greatest reduction in waist size!
There are dozens of studies showing a direct connection between these amylase blockers and shrinking waistlines.
The real secret to sustainable weight loss, without going on some weird restrictive diet is to return your amylase to normal levels.
It’s that simple.
I’ve never had weight loss explained to me so clearly…
But it made perfect sense!
I looked at Nina across the lunch table and said: Where can I get this exotic Japanese food?
Unfortunately, it’s not sold in America…
Nina tried to import herself, but it was confiscated at the border.
Like my failed dieting, I felt like I'd hit a dead-end…
And I was worried I’d never become the role model my daughter could look up too.
That’s when Nina turned my world upside down…

“You don’t need the Japanese food, you only need what’s inside it, the amylase blocking nutrients”
Nina told she spent the past year looking far and wide for other foods that contained the best amylase blocking nutrients…
And consulted with the world’s leading biology experts from around the world…
Which is when she pulled out her bottle of white vitamins and handed them to me.
There's were same white pills I had seen her take before every meal…
I asked her what was inside…
And Nina said…

“These pills are a special combination of four of the most powerful amylase blocking nutrients…
In the exact doses used in the clinical studies with the most weight loss results.
I want you to take them as an appetizer before every meal for the next 30 days.”

I couldn’t help but think about my daughter…
How she almost died because of my flabby belly…
And I felt more determined than ever to lose my 57 lbs. of nagging, jiggly fat.
I took the pills and thanked Nina…
And the next day I started my new routine.
For lunch instead of a salad, I got my favorite Italian dish:
A big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs…
I sat down, and before I took my first bite…
I pulled out one of Nina’s little white pills.
And before I took it, I hesitated…
Thinking about all my past failures…
And how nothing I had tried would work…
I almost threw out the bottle…
But then I remembered the night before…
Watching my daughter go upstairs in the bathroom, and shut the door…
And turn the faucet on…
So I couldn’t hear her vomiting...
And that’s when I decided I would do anything to help my daughter.

I swallowed Nina’s 5-second appetizer pill And went on to devour a gigantic plate of saucy spaghetti and meatballs…
For some reason, it was the most delicious plate I’ve ever eaten…
Bringing me back to my honeymoon in Italy 20 years ago…
Where I ate pasta and drank wine everyday and stayed skinny.
I did the same thing for dinner, taking one of Nina’s white pills before eating.
The next morning, I woke up excited to jump on the scale…
And I was down ½ pound…
Not much, but it was a start!

Everyday I took one capsule of Nina’s Amylase Blocking formula before every meal…
I started ordering whatever Nina was eating…
Cinnamon french toast for breakfast…
A delicious sandwich for lunch…
And pasta or pizza for dinner…
It was heaven…
But there’s no way this could work right?
We’ve been told our whole lives that carbs are the devil…
When I weighed myself 7 days later, something magical happened…I was down 4.5 lbs!
Still I’d been on this path before with the keto diet…
Where I lose a bunch of weight quickly, only to gain it back after…
But that skepticism vanished…
When I weighed myself on day 14… I was down 11lbs… Eating my favorite foods every single meal!
Chocolate croissants… Nonna’s Spaghetti… Warm sourdough with butter…
Until one day I woke up…
And accidentally tried on a pair of jeans I hadn’t worn in decades…
I couldn’t believe how I looked in the mirror…

In total, I had lost an amazing 57lbs of baby weight around my hips, thighs, arms and belly…
10 years of stubborn love handles, gone…
All while eating carbs at every meal!
I had the body of my wedding day…
Tight arms, slender hips, and a flat tummy…
My husband couldn’t keep his eyes or hands off of me…
That night we made love like it was our wedding night..
Afterwards we lay there, cuddling, staring deep into each other’s eyes…
Smiling, laughing, tickling each other…
We were us again…

My friends could see my newfound body and energy and begged me for my secret…
But I was hesitant…
Because even though I want to share this miraculous discovery with every overweight man and woman who was frustrated…
I first wanted to make sure that my miraculous transformation wasn’t some weird fluke…
But instead would work for anyone, no matter their age, how overweight they were, and how many times they failed to lose weight in the past.
So I talked with Nina, and we got together with our own little test group…
Some were my friends, others were people we knew from church…
And while they all looked different, they all needed to meet our 4 criteria…
- You need to be at least 30 years old
- You need to have at least 15lbs of jiggly fat that you can’t seemto get rid of
- You need to have tried to lose weight in the past, but couldn’t
- You need to like eating carbs
All in all we had 28 people sign up.
We ran our little experiment for 2 months,
about the same amount of time it took me to lose all my baby weight
And the results shocked us…
Every single person, no matter their age or gender lost all their excess weight…
With a few women losing over 48lbs!
Most of them looked like they aged 20 years in reverse…
And all of them needed to buy new clothes after our experiment
No matter their age, history, gender, metabolism, or genetics…
This miraculous weight loss formula worked for everyone!
The best part?
Everyone was eating their favorite “off limit” foods…
Pizza… cake… donuts… rice… potatoes…
And as long as they stuck to our 5 second appetizer of one pill before each meal…
Every delicious food just slid right of them without sticking to their waist, hips or thighs
After my little experiment I knew it worked not just for me, but for everyone…
Including their families.

My daughter Jessica, for the first time, was eating again… and smiling…
She was happy, vibrant and rebellious… like any healthy teenager.
And looked up to me, for the first time.
All because I was able to take control of my weight.
I begged Nina to let me help her share this with every woman in need.
Which is why I'm sharing this incredible discovery with you here today.
I want YOU to be the next amazing success story.
Because I know how hard it is to try every diet and exercise program for weeks and months… only to end up back where you started…
I know how hard it is to watch your husband go from unable to keep his hands off of you when you’re first married…
To being your best friend who’s overly polite and never in the mood…
I know how hard it is to wonder if you’ll just be known as the fat mom for the rest of your life…
But for the first time ever, your future doesn't have to be like that.